

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 7 years, 3 months ago

Week 11


Group 49, Thursday March 16


Periods 4, 5, 6

Sections 13, 7, 12

Speaking test preparation

N125 Final Speaking Exam Practice.docx


Group 49, Tuesday - Wednesday March 14, 15


  • Section 12
  • Section 11
  • Section 6  (Points below)


Tuesday March 14, 2017


Section 13 Per 4 Practice Reading Test

Practice Reading Test-PT1-FND 1016-March 2015.docx


Section 12 Per 6 Listening practice


Practice worksheets and listening files

Daily Routine 6.docx

Daily Routine 3.docx




You can also find it in the shared folder under:

Program_Area\Staff_SharedFolder\Sule\Daily Routine



Section 6 Per 7 Edpuzzle - 


Hi, my name is Vance


Today we will see a video called

A Polish 767 lands Without Landing Gear


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First, we'll watch this



Some answers from what was written on the whiteboard

Who was watching? Millions of viewers


The pilot was trying to lower the landing gear

The pilot needed to land on the runway without landing gear

belly flop the plane, using the engines as a sled

The passengers BRACEd - took the READY position

The plane landed at more than 140 mph

the video shows the moment of contact

it was a SMOOTH touchdown

The passengers clapped (applauded)

The EMERGENCY crews dowsed the flames

Greg's voice cracked 

The captain said he wasn’t a hero

Americans beg to differ (they disagreed)

the investigation is still going on


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