

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 9 years, 9 months ago

Materials for Vance's Extended English LIFE classes

N125 for the term ending in March 2015

46 Section 1


    1. Week 12 will most likely feature the last vocabulary quiz
    2. Week 11 Final Exam preparation
      1. Monday March 16
        1. Per 3 - Writing practice - prepare your topic
      2. Tuesday March 17
        1. Periods 3 and 4 - Writing practice
      3. Wednesday March 18
        1. Periods 1-3 Final Exam on Reading, Listening, Writing
    1. Week 10
      1. Sunday 8 March preparation for midterm exam
        1. Period 7 reading and listening
      2. Monday 9 March 15 Midterm Exam 20%
        1. Periods 1, 2, and 3 - exam in MBZ Hall
      3. Tuesday 10 March 
        1. Period 3 Vocabulary and Reading
        2. Period 4 Edpuzzle on Pilot Error (12 min, open answer)
      4. Wednesday 11 March 
        1. Periods 3 and 4 Projects and presentations
      5. Thursday March 12
        1. Period 3 Edpuzzle on Pilot Error (12 min, open answer)
        2. Period 6 Vocabulary and Listening
    2. Week 9 Vocab Quiz 3
      1. Sunday March 1
        1. Period 7 writing from feedback in Google Docs in ILC
      2. Monday March 2
        1. Period 3  writing pro and con essays
        2. Period 6  Reverse Graffiti: Reading and Vocabulary
      3. Tuesday March 3
        1. Period 1 Reading and Vocabulary
        2. Period 2 Vocabulary Memrise and Spelling City
        3. Period 4 - Two Vocabulary Challenges
      4. Wednesday March 4
        1. Period 5  Vocabulary Quiz #3 on Unit 4 in Life UI
      5. Thursday March 5
        1. Periods 1-2 writing
        2. Period 5 new vocabulary list
    3. Week 8
      1. Monday Feb 23
        1. Period 4
        2. Period 6
      2. Tuesday Feb 24
        1. Period 2
        2. Period 5
        3. Period 6
      3. Wednesday Feb 25
        1. Period 1 Following directions
        2. Period 2 EdPuzzle Masdar Part Two is blocked on YouTube
        3. Period 6
      4. Thursday Feb 26
        1. Periods 3-4
    4. Week 7 Vance's 8 Classes
      1. Sunday Feb 15
        1. Period 2 Prepare for Progress Test - writing and plagiarism
        2. Period 5 Prepare for Progress Test Monday - Reading T/F/NG
      2. Monday Feb 16
        1. Periods 1-2 Week 7 Progress Test 20% of your final mark
        2. Period 7 Prepare for Vocabulary Test Wednesday
      3. Tuesday Feb 17
        1. Period 6 Prepare for Vocabulary Test Wednesday
      4. Wednesday Feb 18
        1. Period 1 Life Unit 3 List 2 Vocabulary Test
        2. Period 7 Ellen's project
      5. Thursday Feb 19
        1. Periods 2 and 5 EdPuzzle
    5. Assignments for Week 6 - prepare for progress test in Week 7
      1. Sunday Feb 8 
        1. Period 2 Complete EdPuzzle Impossible Landing
        2. Period 6 List 2 vocabulary
        3. Period 7 Memrise for list 2
      2. Monday Feb 9 Writing 
        1. Period 5 Practice Letter Writing for Week 7 progress test
      3. Tuesday Feb 10 Reading and Listening practice for Week 7 progress test 
        1. Periods 3-4 Reading and Listening practice
      4. Wednesday Feb 11 more practice for Week 7 progress test 
        1. Period 3 Reading /  Sentence completion
        2. Period 7 Reading practice review and guided formal letter writing
      5. Thursday Feb 12 writing practice for Week 7 progress test and vocabulary
        1. Period 3
        2. Period 4
    6. Assignments for Week 5
      1. Wed Feb 5 period 3 Edpuzzle on Impossible Landing Part 2
      2. For Wednesday Feb 4 do at least ONE of the following





Check the Assessment Schedule HERE or on the wall of your classroom to find when the tests are

(Log on to Bb Mobile / MyLearn for the link to work)


Week 12 will most likely feature the last vocabulary quiz

Vocab quiz 4 will likely come after the final exam now


Week 11 Final Exam preparation

In our 3 classes this week, you will write an essay on advantages and disadvantages

You will prepare the essay on Monday and write it and get feedback on Tuesday

On Wednesday you will write a similar essay as part of your N125 final exam (30% of your final mark)


Monday March 16


Per 3 - Writing practice - prepare your topic


  1. With a partner, choose one of 8 sample advantages and disadvantages essays topics here

  2. Write down two advantages and two disadvantages

  3. You will create a dialog on your iPad at this site (in Safari or any browser)
    (examples: http://goo.gl/P4OTb4 and http://goo.gl/Vjy9jr)


Four Stories were produced

  1. http://docsstorybuilder.appspot.com/UrwheJQun
  2. http://docsstorybuilder.appspot.com/V0AYQdyjx
  3. http://docsstorybuilder.appspot.com/4lLSbXEAn
  4. http://docsstorybuilder.appspot.com/Yi8w2dNYN 


Here's how

(Plan A, if your mic works in this app, you may speak into the dialog boxes)

(Plan B, if your mic does NOT work in this app, you can write into the dialog boxes)


  1. With your partner, on your iPad start a story (using plan A or plan B)

  2. Continue adding to the dialog until you have two advantages and two disadvantages 

  3. Add music (it doesn't play on iPad - it plays on PC)

  4. FINISH UP (write your names and a topic to create a LINK to your presentation

  5. Email the link to vstevens@hct.ac.ae 


Start here



Give characters the names of two partners



Write or speak the first part

Place cursor at end of line

Press RETURN to get your entry into the dialog box at right


Next person, place finger in next character box DOWN

Place cursor after line that appears there

Press RETURN to continue dialog



Write or speak the next line of dialog



Place cursor at end of line, press RETURN to get the dialog at right



When done, Add MUSIC



Finish up by entering TITLE and NAMES and then copy the link



Email the link to vstevens@hct.ac.ae



Tuesday March 17


Periods 3 and 4 - Writing practice


Download and install (free) ...

Record an introduction to your topic in Dragon Dictation

Finish your introduction by saying 

In this essay I will ...


Here is what the app looks like after you've spoken into it

You can use the Download button on the right to email the text to yourself or export it to an app


Paste your introduction into a Google Doc with your name and topic in the title

Share it with vancestev@gmail.com


You can continue to write your essay using Dragon or simply typing it, as you prefer



Wednesday March 18


Periods 1-3 Final Exam on Reading, Listening, Writing

Final Exam now moved to Wed, 18 March - MBZ Hall






Week 10


Sunday 8 March preparation for midterm exam


Period 7 reading and listening

Do the reading exercise that your teacher gives you in class.

Underline the place in the reading where you find the correct answers


Go on to EdPuzzle and do the assignment in class code e5Rrz8

(It's a 3 min video, 15 questions)


Monday 9 March 15 Midterm Exam 20%


Periods 1, 2, and 3 - exam in MBZ Hall


Tuesday 10 March 


Period 3 Vocabulary and Reading


Read about Dubai on p. 58 in Life Upper Intermediate

Underline the place in the reading where you find the first 6 vocabulary words here

You can find where each vocabulary word is used in the Life book here


Create a Google Doc and Share it with vancestev@gmail.com. Title it Dubai.

Write ten sentences there from p.59 in your book

  • Sentences 1-4, write the SENTENCES for ex.4
  • Sentences 5-10, write sentences showing the correct verb in ex.6

Finally, write 6 more sentences, one for each of the 1st 6 vocab words


Period 4 Edpuzzle on Pilot Error (12 min, open answer)


Go on to EdPuzzle and do the assignment due March 11 in class code e5Rrz8

Extended part 1. l Pilot Error Qantas Flight 72.mp4

(It's a 12 min video, open ended questions)


Wednesday 11 March 


Periods 3 and 4 Projects and presentations

Students worked on their presentations, got teacher feedback, and practicsed delivery in clas


Thursday March 12


Period 3 Edpuzzle on Pilot Error (12 min, open answer)


Go on to EdPuzzle and do the assignment due March 12 in class code e5Rrz8

Extended part 1. l Pilot Error Qantas Flight 72.mp4

(It's a 12 min video, open ended questions)


This is the second Independent Work mark for this week



Period 6 Vocabulary and Listening


Find out more about Kerala on p. 60 in Life Upper Intermediate

Listen to the interview and find the next 5 vocabulary words here

You can find where each vocabulary word is used in the Life book here


Create a Google Doc and Share it with vancestev@gmail.com. Title it Kerala.

Write 6 sentences there from p.60 in your book

  • In exercise 3 write a sentence why each statement is true or false

Finally, write 5 more sentences, one for each of the next 5 vocab words


Thursday: Periods 1 & 2, Section 1 presentations for Ellen's class


Week 9 Vocab Quiz 3

Vocab Quiz 3 Week 9 – 1-5 March 15 Classroom


Sunday March 1


Period 7 writing from feedback in Google Docs in ILC

Many students did not do anything this period


Monday March 2


Period 3  writing pro and con essays


Students were asked to complete this worksheet about writing introductions to pros and cons essays, pp. 5-8



iPads were collected by the military during the period causing some disruption


Period 6  Reverse Graffiti: Reading and Vocabulary


Open your Life books to p. 48

  • Read Reverse Graffiti and circle FOUR vocabulary words from this list found here
  • Share a Google Doc with vancestev@gmail.com
  • Write an original sentence with each of the 4 vocabulary words
  • Answer questions 4 - 7 in your Google Doc 
  • Write complete sentences for questions 4, 5, and 7 
  • For question 6 write the words
    1. x
    2. x
    3. x
    4. x
    5. x
    6. x


Tuesday March 3

Three periods for vocabulary preparation & etc


Period 1 Reading and Vocabulary

Life Intermediate – Unit 4, Art and Creativity, p.53

  • Read this short passage and find the THREE vocabulary words from this list <== here
  • In the Google Doc you created yesterday, add 3 original sentences with each of these words


Launch the Spelling City app and complete your two assignments - Spelling TestMe and Vocabulary TestMe


Period 2 Vocabulary Memrise and Spelling City

Memrise http://www.memrise.com/course/571664/group-46-n125-sections-1-3-list-3/

  • Be SURE that your teacher is following you
  • Get 1500 points on the leaderboard 


Period 4 - Two Vocabulary Challenges


Vocabulary challenge #1 is a Kahoot which the teacher will start


Vocabulary challenge #2

Listen to this mp3 from the video on musical and visual hip-hop we watched in class today



There are 5 vocabulary words here: reversal, appreciate, exposure, visual, urban


In the Google Doc you created today or yesterday, write 5 sentences, one for each of the 5 words

as you hear it in the audio, or about how the word was used in the audio.



Wednesday March 4


Period 5  Vocabulary Quiz #3 on Unit 4 in Life UI


Thursday March 5

Three periods for Reading, Writing, Listening preparation for Midterm Exam on Monday March 9 in MBZ Hall


Periods 1-2 writing


Please follow these instructions

Your teacher will give you a handout. You can work there.

Start on p.10 in this book.



  1. Settle on a TOPIC and three advantages and disadvantages
  2. On page 10 fill in 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages
    1.  You can  use the topic on p.10 - what are the advantages and disadvantages of fast food?
    2.  You can scratch that topic out and write in your own
    3.  You can use the worksheet you started already (the last one the teacher gave you and returned)
  3. On p.11
    1. write numbers in the squares to show what order the sentences should appear in each paragraph
    2. Why? Here you can focus on the language you need to organize a cohesive paragraph 
  4. On p. 12
    1. read the model paragraph,
    2. focus on the language used to accomplish the task
    3. Underline the connecting words and expressions
  5. On p. 14 
    1. Use the outline to write a 4 paragraph essay, with introduction, advantages, disadvantages, and conclusion
    2. Write at least 130 words (target 150)
    3. Count each word and write that number of words at the end of your essay


Students who worked on this (100 on director's list)

Mohammed TNT, Omran, Fahad, Saeed, Khalfan, Abdullah Fakhroo, Jaber, Omar, Ahmed Shamsi, Obeid, Saif


Period 5 new vocabulary list


Unit 5 vocab list - You can get it from Google Docs here



COPY this list into your Google Doc and share it with vancestev@gmail.com

Get feedback on your sentences



Week 8


Monday Feb 23


Period 4

Log on to Bb Mobile / MyLearn so you can open the links here

Find your VOCABULARY BUILDER Unit 4 Life upper-intermediate (student) HERE

(You will also be given a hard copy to be working on in class)


While working listen to this. You can find 8 of your vocabulary words here



When you hear one of the words, you can write it in as your example sentence if you wish

(You need to be logged in to Bb Learn when you use this link)

I'm having trouble embedding it here,

but the link to Rapper's Delight by The Sugarhill Gang is here



Wikipedia Article - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapper%27s_Delight 


Period 6


Complete your vocabulary worksheets and hand them in 


Visit p.51 in your LIFE book and circle 8 words you find there from the vocabulary list


These can help you write sentences on your vocabulary worksheets


Tuesday Feb 24


Period 2

Your mission: Complete the Hip Hop Planet Vocabulary Challenge

In the Socrative app, Room no. 843039


Period 5


The Socrative quiz on Hip Hop Planet is still open if you wish to complete it.


On p. 46 of LIFE, listen to the mp3 about Melbourne HERE

Answer the 6 T/F/NG questions in exercise 4

  • Create a Google Doc and share it with vancestev@gmail.com
  • Create 6 bullet points and for each of the 6 questions, write T or F and then the correct information according to what you hear in the recording 
  •  Find the two words from your vocabulary list in what you hear
    Write two sentences, one about each word, giving the context of how it is used in the listening.


Vance will check your Google Doc when you are finished.


Period 6


Your mission this period is to start on Memrise. Get at least 1000 points on this exercise TODAY:




  1. It is your responsibility to be sure that Vance is following you on Socrative; otherwise no scores will be recorded
  2. Your vocabulary work (completed Vocabulary Builder and achieving 1000 target in Memrise) are part of your Independent Work which is recorded in a worksheet requested by the director of the English Dept at KBZ) 


Wednesday Feb 25


Period 1 Following directions


On p. 96 of LIFE, read tapescript 1.25, which is in text what you listened to about Melbourne yesterday

Using the tapescript and the questions on p. 46, exercise 4


  1. Create a Google Doc, title it YOUR NAME - MELBOURNE 2 - and share it with vancestev@gmail.com (5 points)
  2. Copy these directions and paste them at the top of the document (5 points)
  3. Create 6 bullet points and for each of the 6 questions, write T or F 
    1.  <----- These are "bullets" and each point here is a bullet point 
  4.  For the four FALSE questions, explain why they are false, or what the correct information is (20 points)
  5.  Create 10 more bullet points and ... (50 points)
  6.  Write ten original sentences now about the 10 words from your vocabulary list which you've encountered in the exercises on Melbourne and Hip Hop.
    These words are  artistic, appreciate, loop, defiant, permeate, conscious, urban, outrage, embrace (an idea or concept), particularly


Your teacher will check you work for quality (20 points)  


Here are these directions in a QR code


Period 2 EdPuzzle Masdar Part Two is blocked on YouTube


But both EdPuzzle assignments when YouTube was working have been marked, check for results

We'll be able to download mp4 versions of YouTube videos and uploading them to EdPuzzle, but it will take time


Period 6

A paper version of the Socrative exercise on 10 vocabulary words was given out and completed in class


Thursday Feb 26


Periods 3-4


Study this worksheet about writing introductions to pros and cons essays



Write an introduction to an essay in a Google Doc shared with vancestev@gmail.com



Before the break create the document entitled Pros and cons - Your name

Copy this task into the doc (you can change the topic if you want)


You can continue (you will continue Sunday) by writing out a list of advantages and disadvantages



Week 7 Vance's 8 Classes


Sunday Feb 15


Period 2 Prepare for Progress Test - writing and plagiarism

The progress test covers listening, reading, and writing

Find teacher feedback on your formal letter writing and revise your work according to that feedback


Period 5 Prepare for Progress Test Monday - Reading T/F/NG

On Sunday we will use readings from Life that have words that will be on your vocabulary test


Reading with True / False / Not given - with vocabulary practice

You were given this exercise in class from Life Unit 3 p.36 

Read it and answer the T / F / NG questions 

  • Underline where the answers are in the text
  • Circle any Unit 3 (List 2) vocabulary words you find

Put your name on it and return it to your teacher


Monday Feb 16


Periods 1-2 Week 7 Progress Test 20% of your final mark


Period 7 Prepare for Vocabulary Test Wednesday


Assigned task for this period

  • Listen to 10 words, spell them correctly, and write one original sentence for each of them
  • Write your ten sentences in a Google Doc and share this with VanceStev@gmail.com


Self-study task assigned for today or tomorrow

  • Earn 2000 points in Memrise (this is your 'self-study' mark for today)

Work on Memrise for your test next Wednesday. Here is the link



Log in to Memrise in Safari BEFORE you use the QR code. Open the link in Safari (don't use the app)





Tuesday Feb 17


Period 6 Prepare for Vocabulary Test Wednesday


Participate in a Kahoot vocabulary practice game


Assigned task for this period 

  • Complete at least 2 Spelling City exercises, Vocabulary TestMe and Spelling TestMe (this is your 'self-study' mark for today)


Self-study tasks to be completed before period 1 on Wednesday

  • Correct your ten sentences for a greater score and understanding (based on teacher feedback)
  • Get 1000 more points in Memrise 


Wednesday Feb 18


Period 1 Life Unit 3 List 2 Vocabulary Test


Period 7 Ellen's project


Thursday Feb 19


Periods 2 and 5 EdPuzzle


Edpuzzle Core: Masdar Part 1


Log on to EdPuzzle. Safari works best, http://edpuzzle.com

Go to this room e5Rrz8

Do the CORE MASDAR assignments due Feb 20


You can watch this video on YouTube, Masdar The City of the Future | Fully Charged (Part 1)



Later: Masdar City Part 2 http://youtu.be/G4ohXTnIxzA


You will be assigned at least ONE TASK for each class period

  • More tasks might be assigned in classes before assessments
  • In addition the English Dept director has asked you to complete 2 self-study assignments each week

You are expected to do your work before relaxing in the class




Assignments for Week 6 - prepare for progress test in Week 7


We will be preparing for the first progress test Monday Feb 16

on Reading, listening, writing

And on Tue and Wed in Week 7 for your list #2 vocabulary test has been changed to Wednesday, first period



Sunday Feb 8 


Period 2 Complete EdPuzzle Impossible Landing


This lesson is designed to help you with the LISTENING part of the progress test

You must complete the EdPuzzle work you started on Thursday Feb 5




Period 6 List 2 vocabulary


This is the second list of 20 words from LIFE (thanks, Saeed :-


You may have this period to write definitions and sentences on this document


Period 7 Memrise for list 2


You may use this period to practice with Memrise

Use this link to work on Memrise:


Instructions: You must LOG ON to Memrise first THEN click the link above


Monday Feb 9 Writing 


Period 5 Practice Letter Writing for Week 7 progress test


Find in your Google Drive feedback on the letter you prepared last week and make corrections for improved marks

This work must be completed today for your final mark


Tuesday Feb 10 Reading and Listening practice for Week 7 progress test 


Periods 3-4 Reading and Listening practice


Reading will be done in Socrative,


  1. Download and open the SOCRATIVE student app
  2. Enter Vance's room 843039
  3. Read the text you are given and answer the T / F / NG questions asked in Socrative
  4. Indicate on the text (highlight, circle or underline) where you find your answers
  5. Put your name on your paper and return it to your teacher


Listening is done in MyLearn and Google Forms

  1. Your teacher will give you a script and play the listening one time.
  2. Write your name and answers on the script
  3. Go to your course in Bb Learn and find Life Upper Intermediate > Listening > Extra Listening Practice
  4. Play the mp3 for 02 Section 1 Test 3 
  5. Open this Google Form: http://goo.gl/forms/k9B2231vMi (see QR code below)
  6. Write your answers in the form and submit the form 

Wednesday Feb 11 more practice for Week 7 progress test 


Period 3 Reading /  Sentence completion


This class requires that students spend time preparing for their exams and that teachers document this time spent

We are spending this week preparing for LISTENING, WRITING, and READING tests next Monday.


As with flight or any kind of training, time must be spent efficiently


Your assignments will normally appear here for any given day.

Today you must follow these instructions


1. Bring this page up on your iPad as quickly as possible.


2. Raise your hand when you have it. Your teacher will note the time elapsed in the class next to your name.

(This is necessary because many students in this class are not making the effort to find class information each day,

and I need to know who is willing and capable of bookmarking this page in his browser for quick and easy access next time)


3. When you have reached this page your teacher will give you a reading practice for the sentence completion kind of exercise that will be on your Progress Test next Monday.

Why? Because it is important that each student has time in class to understand and practice the kinds of questions that will be asked.

Students who do not do well on tests sometimes complain that they were not given similar work in class.

If you do well on the test, this will not be an issue <-- one of your new vocabulary words)

Underline the part of the reading where the answer is


4. When finished, put your name on your paper and turn it in to the teacher

Again, I'll note the time. Thank you


5. Download this app and show it to your teacher installed on your iPad



Period 7 Reading practice review and guided formal letter writing

Your teacher returned your sentence completion reading exercise and went over the frequently missed questions

You were given a formal letter with phrases missing and asked to write in those phrases from choices given


Thursday Feb 12 writing practice for Week 7 progress test and vocabulary


Period 3


Log on to Bb Mobile and study the differences in language between formal and informal letters



Complete this sample FORMAL LETTER writing task (you have been given a hard copy)

You can find the model for the practice writing task here




When you are finished you may start on your work for Period 4


Period 4


Complete your vocabulary list (translations, definitions, sentences)

Your teacher will collect these from you at the end of per 4, photocopy them for his records, and return them to you


Work on Memrise for your test next Wednesday. Here is the link


But it only works if you are already logged on to Memrise

(if it asks you to log on, do that, then return here and try the link again)


Your teacher will record your points in Memrise in his gradebook after the end of Period 4

Please be sure that your teacher is following you in Memrise



Assignments for Week 5


Wed Feb 5 period 3 Edpuzzle on Impossible Landing Part 2




For today, create an account at http://edpuzzle.com

Give your user name at 46s1_____________ ß then your real name

Introduce the class code e5Rrz8, and EITHER do the assignment shown




OR watch the last part on YouTube http://youtu.be/TvJTTdc9Dp8

and write a 100 word paragraph (or two) about how the incident ended, and the subsequent investigation

Your mark is the number of ORIGINAL (not copied) words you produce expressed as a percent


Your choice J

Click here for the handout given in class with this assignment


For Wednesday Feb 4 do at least ONE of the following



This link is to the first part:


Create a Google Doc and share it with vancestev@gmail.com

Vance will paste the questions into the document 


or Memrise list #2 http://www.memrise.com/course/545559/group-46-n125-sections-1-3-list-2/






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