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Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 6 years, 12 months ago

Welcome to Vance's 49 FND 3016 WRITING class

for Section 8 students


See the PDA form your teacher uses to give you your mark



Unlock Unit 6 (week 13)


Writing test - 200 word essay on an important issue in the UAE


Unlock Week 4 (week 10)


Tuesday, October 3


Period 6 - Complete your essay on Extreme Sports using the cohesion template


Complete your revised 250-word essay where your main points are made clear in the introduction, one point in each paragraph, and in the conclusion.


Write these words yourself. NO WORD SALAD PLEASE!


(Word salad happens when you copy text from the Internet or rely on Google translate, which produces strange results)


Monday, October 2


Period 1 - Improving cohesion in an essay 


Study this sample essay. See how a good essay makes its main points three times

  1. In the introduction
  2. One point for each paragraph
  3. In the conclusion



Now revise your essay in this same format: goodEssayTemplate.docx


You can work on paper or in Office 365 Word


Write 250 words





Unlock Unit 3 (week 9)


Wednesday, Sept 27


Period 5 - Your 250 word essay is due in Office 365 Word


Tuesday, Sept 26 


Period 3 - AFTER writing 100 words on paper, revise your first draft into a 250 word second draft





This is the WRITING PROCESS we are following: writingProcessSection8.docx 


If you wrote a first draft, from this assignment: FND 3016 – Week 3 - Start writing about extreme sports.docx

  • find feedback from your teacher in your shared Word document
  • REVISE the paper in the shared WORD document 


All students here should be able to log on to Office 365 (your teacher has tested problem cases and found that they work)

  • Remember, your user name is your HCT email address; for example H00123456@hct.ac.ae
  • and your password begins with Kbz
    That's upper case K and lower case b,z


If you have no iPad you can do your work on paper


Sunday Sept 24


Period 5 - Write a 100-word first draft on extreme sports in Word or on paper


By now you should have completed this



Now you should write a 100-word FIRST DRAFT that you will revise later to make it 250 words, on EXTREME SPORTS


Abseiling is an example of an extreme sport



You may write in the WORD document you shared with vstevens@hct.ac.ae last week.


Or you can write on the paper your teacher gives you in class:

FND 3016 – Unlock Unit 3 - Start writing about extreme sports.docx


Use as much vocabulary as you can from

<-- the Level 3 Quiz 1-2 Wordlists at left


Describe an EXTREME SPORT that you have done or would like to do.


  • Tell what the sport is about.
  • What equipment do you need?
  • What do you do when you play this sport?
  • Why is it dangerous?
  • How can you prevent accident or injury when doing it?
  • Why do you enjoy it, or why do you do it?

Write at least 100 words



Unlock Unit 2 (week 8)


Wednesday Sept 20

Period 5 


Tuesday Sept 19


Period 7 - Setting up with Vance's Class and download Microsoft Word App


Get the BLACK SPOT for http://vancesclass.pbworks.com on your iPad


Vance's Class and the Black Spot


Visit Vance's Class at PBWorks.com



  1. Open the link in Safari. 
  2. Tap on    on the iPad screen
  4. Select ADD
  5. Show the Vance's Class icon on your home screen to your teacher 



Get the Microsoft Word app 



Sign In using your HCT ID and create a correctly named document


  1. Configure your iPad for English - otherwise your documents will align right to left
  2.  Log in with your HCT email address (NOT with your personal account)
  3.  Create a NEW BLANK DOCUMENT in OneDrive for Business
  4.  Rename your document 49s8_YourName



Share the document with vstevens@hct.ac.ae



Finally, write in the document: Introduce yourself to your teacher


EDIT the document IN A BROWSER or ONLINE

Do NOT edit in Word

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